By signing this virtual waiver, you agree to hold harmless Studio 301, it's staff, the master instructors, other students, and anyone else accompanied by Studio 301 in the event of injury. You agree and understand that although we cannot take away all risks of injury within dance, Studio 301 takes priority in keeping everyone as safe as possible; however, injury prevention can only be taken so far. I am responsible for any medical bill/payment for myself/my student who is participating in dance instruction. You give Studio 301 the authority to administer first aid or contact the proper authorities in the event of an emergency.
Studio 301 does not assume responsibility for any personal items left at the Studio 301, if applicable. I understand that the registration fee is non-refundable.
I agree that I/my student may be videotaped/photographed and used for social media, website, and any other Studio 301 ads.
I understand the strict attendance policy that allows up to 3 absences per class per semester before a dancer is not allowed to participate in any scheduled performances for that semester.
I have read and agreed to all terms listed in the 2024-2025 Studio 301 Dance Class Guide (at the top of this page).